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Customer Loyalty Program


The rules for "GREENBUCKS" are as follows:

1.  Enroll in the program by giving us your name and address.
2.  Before checking out, make sure to give your name to the Cashier.
     (Once a transaction is complete, we cannot go back and credit your account.)
3.  Spend $100.00 or more in a month without tax and we will give you back 5% in the form of
     a Gift Certificate with no expiration date.

4.  By the 10th of each new month, we will mail out Gift Certificates.



 Enroll in "GREENBUCKS"

There are three ways to enroll in our "GREENBUCKS" Reward Program.

1.  Visit our nursery and enroll prior to check-out at the register.
2.  Complete and mail the form below to Garrison's Greenwood Gardens
                                                                 6905 Greenwood Road
                                                                  Shreveport, LA  71119 
3.  Email the information to GARRNURSERY@aol.com.
Name:  ___________________________________________________
Address:  __________________________________________________
City:  _________________________State: _________Zip:____________
Phone:  _________________________Email:  _____________________